For your convenience, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you are unable to find the information you need, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through our website chat or by visiting our contact page.
Yes, every experience we provide mandates a minimum deposit, which varies between $100 and $400 based on the specific experience chosen.
Yes, travel fees start to accumulate after 50 miles of travel at 0.85c per mile.
With any of our booths, we typically arrive about 1 to 2 hours prior to the start time of the photobooth service. It normally takes 30 to 45 mins to setup. This setup time does not eat into your paid time.
The Majority of our photobooth experiences do include physical props our Virtual props.
Yes, our Mirror Booths, Ring Roamers, Vogue Booth & 360 Booths do include a photobooth attendant to help guide your guests.
Yes, the inclusion of physical copies and the option to send texts or emails depends on the photobooth package you choose for your event, particularly with our Show Stopper Packages.
Yes, we offer our services not only in the cities listed on our website but also throughout Florida and even outside of the state. For more information on our availability, please reach out to one of our team members.
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